Chicago @Warrenville Casting Workshop
Sat. & Sun, March 29th & 30th
Spinghill Suites
4305 Weaver Parkway
Warrenville, IL 60555
Hotel# 630-393-0400
The Basic to Intermediate Workshop The Advanced Casting Workshop for ASOP Members
This two day casting workshop will start at 8:30am Saturday and Sunday and finish at 4:30pm on Saturday and 2pm on Sunday. This workshop is a basic to intermediate casting (short arm, thumb spica, long arm, short leg, ulnar gutter). CE Approved for up to 50 hours for AT's when included distance learining modules are completed. Up to 14 hours of CE for others. All students are asked to bring a box of gloves, a towel and a pair of patient scissors. We never know your glove size or allergies.
Email with any questions you may have. Please include your mobile phone number.
Registration Form Please submit form after payment by credit card or mail with check to
700 Beach Drive NE, Suite 103
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Workshop Tuition is $645.00